Remote Color Controlled Jack-o-Lantern

As usual, this Halloween I decided to create a project related to the season. Using Prusa I3 and Thingiverse, I printed a Halloween decoration where the color is controlled remotely through the Blynk project.
The Blynk project lets you create a mobile or tablet app that interacts with controllers like the Arduino Uno or the Wemos D1 Mini.

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Halloween Cheerlights

In the last halloween I decided to create a project for the season. Using a 3D model of a ghost that i printed on the Prusa i3 and the Cheerlights project i created a Halloween decoration that changes color randomly.
The Cheerlight project is an open-source project that synchronizes all light devices that use’s it. Through Twitter, using the #cheerlight hashtag, we chose a color from the Cheerlights project color palette. All devices that are connected to the project Cheerlights read the color through the api and change their color to that. Through a tweet it is possible to change the colors of all the devices of the planet connected to the project.

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Prusa i3 Enclosure

One of the problems that exist in the Prusa i3 3D printers is the open space and air circulation. This open space makes it difficult to warm the table, prevent it from reaching higher temperatures and makes it more difficult to maintain a constant temperature, which can compromise printing. If the temperature falls below a certain value, the part can be released from the table.

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